Kozai Modern Organic Lighting
Kozai Modern Organic / Products / Lighting / MT-HB:
An interesting lamp made of laser cut slats of cedar, with a sapele cap.

Kozai Modern Organic / Products / Lighting / MT-HB:
Laser cut PCBs! Android: Netrunner tokens from Board Games Factory.
Biomimicry, MA Fashion 2011 on the Behance Network: Must be painstaking to put together, but a great idea. ‘via Blog this’
https://www.dwell.com/article/a-laser-cut-pergola-completes-a-tranquil-garden-in-l.a.-thats-perfect-for-entertaining-d88e0148 On – 25 Jul, 2017 By Kelly Vencill Sanchez
Over the weekend of 7th and 8th December, mekkit.com will be back hosting a fabulous design and laser cutting event in Manchester’s Northern Quarter. Hosted at Manchester Craft and Design Centre, we will be giving you the opportunity to use a snowflake generator written by Simon Denvers (www.denvers.com), which you can then have made straight away…