prize snowflakes
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Laser cut snowflake competition results

So at the weekend I learned I should keep things simple.  And that most people are still not on twitter.  And that the ones that are mostly stopped using it.  Oh and to get people’s email addresses or phone numbers if there’s a prize involved.

Well at least I got a photo and the first name of the best design winner, mostly because there was a flurry of entries which were actually really good and I thought I’d better get some details.

So here is the prize, 15 laser cut birch ply snowflakes designed by Jennifer. There were excellent entries also from Amy, Alex and Richard.

prize snowflakes

Jennifer is the lady on the right in red in this photo. If anyone knows her, or if indeed you are Jennifer and you are reading this, please get in touch! Your prize is waiting for you in Wall of Art in Manchester Craft and Design Centre.

competition winner

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